SKOT is Fashion Revolution
Fashion Revolution week is from 22 to 29 April 2023. This week, all kinds of initiatives are being taken worldwide to draw attention to a better clothing industry.
SKOT started in 2017, with the mission to improve the clothing industry! With beautiful clothing that lasts a long time and that is produced as sustainably as possible. We want to show a positive factor, a smile. Our clothes are made with a smile, and deserve to be worn with a smile. This still applies every day!
We are now six years later, and we are proud of what we have achieved. We are known as one of the most sustainable clothing brands in the Netherlands. We offer polos, T-shirts, shirts and longsleeves. All with the same principles, beautiful quality that is made as sustainable as possible.
We'll be sharing more stories about the journey we've been on in the near future. About SKOT's mission, about successes achieved but also about challenges, and about sustainability in the clothing world and in general.
Because we believe SKOT's sustainable story is worth telling and making the world a little bit better. Make a difference!
Did you know…
The Fashion Revolution week started following the disaster with the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh on April 24, 2012?
Then a clothing factory collapsed, killing more than 1,100 people. Well-known Western clothing brands were made in the factory, which were sold for a lot of money in the shops. This disaster painfully showed that the clothing industry is not healthy.
The SKOT clothing is made in Istanbul in Turkey and in Kolkata in India. Both factories have a safety mark (SA8000) and pay their employees a fair wage. Read more about our sustainable production here.
Do you want to know what kind of events take place in the Netherlands?
Check out the website of Fashion Revolution Netherlands, or check them out on Facebook or Instagram. On Saturday 22 April at 11.30 am there will be a meeting in the Kalverstraat in Amsterdam. Come too!