
What does SKOT stand for?

What does SKOT stand for?

What's in a name? In the case of SKOT, a lot! When we started with the idea of ​​making beautiful clothing as sustainable as possible, we naturally needed a name....

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What does SKOT stand for?

What's in a name? In the case of SKOT, a lot! When we started with the idea of ​​making beautiful clothing as sustainable as possible, we naturally needed a name....

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Elk begin is moeilijk…maar de aanhouder wint

Elk begin is moeilijk…maar de aanhouder wint

SKOT bestaat inmiddels 6 jaar, en we zijn enorm trots op wat we hebben bereikt. Elke dag zetten we ons in om onze klanten te helpen, en samen de wereld...

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Elk begin is moeilijk…maar de aanhouder wint

SKOT bestaat inmiddels 6 jaar, en we zijn enorm trots op wat we hebben bereikt. Elke dag zetten we ons in om onze klanten te helpen, en samen de wereld...

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Waarom doet we dit eigenlijk?

Waarom doet we dit eigenlijk?

We zijn nog elke dag bezig om SKOT te verbeteren en onze klanten te bedienen. Dit zijn vaak heel normale dingen, zoals het regelen van logistieke zaken, het aanpassen van...

Waarom doet we dit eigenlijk?

We zijn nog elke dag bezig om SKOT te verbeteren en onze klanten te bedienen. Dit zijn vaak heel normale dingen, zoals het regelen van logistieke zaken, het aanpassen van...

Fair Trade week

Fair Trade week

This week is Fair Trade week. From May 7 to 15, attention is drawn to the farmers and workers who grow our food and clothing in Africa, Asia and Latin...

Fair Trade week

This week is Fair Trade week. From May 7 to 15, attention is drawn to the farmers and workers who grow our food and clothing in Africa, Asia and Latin...

Fashion Revolution 2023

SKOT is Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution week is from 22 to 29 April 2023. This week, all kinds of initiatives are being taken worldwide to draw attention to a better clothing industry.SKOT started in...

SKOT is Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution week is from 22 to 29 April 2023. This week, all kinds of initiatives are being taken worldwide to draw attention to a better clothing industry.SKOT started in...



Today we have added six new shirts to our collection. And with these two new shirts we are taking the next step towards a more sustainable clothing world. The shirts...


Today we have added six new shirts to our collection. And with these two new shirts we are taking the next step towards a more sustainable clothing world. The shirts...